29 June 2020

ICCI-LA publishes first comprehensive report on health systems response to cancer control in Argentina

Addressing the rising burden of cancer in Argentina: Challenges & opportunities presents major health system challenges and identifies policy options aimed at improving Argentina’s response to the rising burden of cancer.

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Launched in 2019, the Integrated Cancer Control Initiative in Latin America (ICCI-LA) is a first-of-its-kind comprehensive policy initiative looking at health systems responses to cancer control in four countries in Latin America – Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia. 

The cancer burden in Latin America is expected to increase by close to 70% by 2030, but few detailed country-level studies exist on the extent of the challenges faced in the region. Countries in Latin America are ill-prepared to face the growing cancer burden and create sustainable responses without data, analysis and strategies. The urgent need for improved responses for cancer patients has been further emphasised by the strain placed by the coronavirus pandemic on already fragile health systems, creating a double-burden for cancer patients in the region.

This first comprehensive report published by ICCI-LA  analyses the overall context of the Argentinian health system related to cancer. A key objective of the study is to detail suggested interventions that can be used as a basis to engage national government leaders on needed policy reforms. 

Now more than ever, the publication of the first ICCI Report on Argentina is critical, as it reinforces the importance of rigorous analysis to understand where health system challenges lie in order to develop meaningful strategies for effective health systems responses to cancer.
— Professor Rifat Atun, Harvard University and ICCI Co-chair 

Highest-priority policy recommendations for Argentina include: 

  • Develop and enact a comprehensive National Cancer Law
  • Strengthen the entity responsible for developing cancer policies, conducting evaluations, and implementing the national cancer plan
  • Conduct transparent cost-effectiveness analysis to better delineate cancer policy goals and allocated resources for cancer services

Given the initiative’s emphasis on multi-sectoral stakeholder engagement to decrease the growing cancer burden and improve health outcomes., ICCI-LA also aims to support improved coalition-building and peer-to-peer collaboration among cancer control leaders both nationally and regionally.

The ICCI-LA Argentina Report was developed by researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Heath, led by Dr. Rifat Atun, Professor of Global Health Systems in collaboration key with cancer control experts in Argentina, including: Luis Balbiani, Mario Bruno, Ernesto Gil Deza, Julia Ismael, Gustavo Jankilevich, Daniel Lewi and Oscar Sagas.

ICCI-LA is overseen by a Global Steering Committee, whose membership includes researchers and professionals from Harvard University, UICC, the Latin American and Caribbean Society of Medical Oncology (SLACOM) and the University of Miami. Funding for ICCI-La is provided through a collaborative agreement between UICC and Novartis. 

Last update

Wednesday 26 May 2021

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